Child Safe Zones at the Harlequin
2nd July 2011
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A Child Safe Zones programme is set to be introduced at the Harlequin in Watford which is designed to reunite lost children with their families as quickly as possible. Look out for posters on display with a direct number to the security team in the CCTV control room. In the event that a child becomes separated from their family the team will immediately activate their search procedure.

Shoppers can also pick up a free colourful wrist band on which they can write their mobile number and their children can wear the band throughout their visit to the shopping centre. In this way if the child does become separated they can quickly be reunited by anyone finding the child making a quick call to the mobile.

Harlequin Ops Manager Vicki Costello said that with thousands of people visiting every week The Harlequin are proud of their reputation as a safe and secure shopping environment. She says "It's very important to us that our customers continue to enjoy the pleasant and relaxed atmosphere here."

Sounds like a great idea! 

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