It's Foster Fortnight! Are you interested in becoming a foster carer?
16th May 2011
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It's Foster Care Fortnight and Hertfordshire County Council is looking for more foster families.


Hertfordshire County Council has a legal duty to protect children and they need more families to foster vulnerable children.


Approved foster carers open their homes to children for anything from a few days to a few years, helping them through a difficult time in their lives. Carers are given full training and up to £400 per child per week.


Anybody interested in becoming a foster carer, is invited to join a conference held at the Ramada Hotel, Hemel Hempstead Road in Redbourne on Wednesday 22nd June 6.30pm - 8.30pm. If you want to find out more, visit


The Council is keen to recruit new carers, particularly those able to provide care for sibling groups and older children/teenagers.

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