Local performers needed for Watford LIVE!
20th April 2010
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Local performers needed for Watford LIVE! 

Are you from Watford? Do you have a talent that you would like to showcase in the town centre? 

This year, Watford LIVE! Community Arts Festival will once again be taking place in venues and locations across Watford between Saturday 10 and Sunday 18 July 2010. 

The festival, organised by Watford Community Arts Network, aims to highlight arts activities and events that are already taking place in Watford as well as showcasing local organisations and venues. It is also a great opportunity for local artists to develop new works and partnerships specifically for the festival. 

Showcase days

Watford Borough Council is organising two festival showcase days on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 July to celebrate the diversity of artists, performers, individuals and groups Watford has to offer. 

Twinning showcase

There will be a showcase on Saturday 17 July to highlight performers from Watford’s twin towns and local artists who have links to our twin towns or whose work has a strong international flavour. 

If you are a dance group, musician, poet, circus act or similar and would like to participate in any of the above events please email: community@watford.gov.uk for an application form, quoting ‘Watford LIVE! 2010’ in the subject line or tel: 01923 278333. 

The deadline for completed applications is Friday 7 May 2010. There are limited slots available. Priority will be given to those groups who are Watford based. 

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