Nightrider - Ride Completed!
21st June 2012
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Watford FC's Community Sports and Education Trust Team proudly completed the Nightrider Charity Event on Sunday 10th June!

This unique 66 mile overnight bike ride, passed London's iconic landmarks such as Tower Bridge, Picadilly Circus, the Houses of Parliament and much more.

The Team managed to raise £7,000 for 'Every Player Counts' - the Trust's disability project which provides opportunities for children and young people with physical and learning disabilities.

The 19 strong team started the ride between midnight and 1am on Sunday morning and they all finished between 7am and 9am. So very well done to all the members of the team.

If you would like to show your support of the team just click here


About the Author

pip o

Member since: 21st June 2012

My name is Pip Osmont and I help with the running of The Best of Watford. When I'm not doing this I enjoy lots of activities including horse riding, walking, sailing (recently across the Atlantic), skiing...

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