Point out the poop - Watford Borough Council needs your help to point out dog mess hotspots
16th July 2015
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It's never nice at any time of the year but with the summer holidays just around the corner, the last thing anyone wants to see - or step in - in Watford's parks, streets and open spaces is dog mess.

Watford's dog owners are generally very good at 'scooping the poop' but unfortunately, there is still a small minority that don't seem to believe that the same rules apply to them.

With this in mind, Watford Borough Council is cracking down on dog fouling this summer and is asking the general public to point of dog mess hotspots in the preceding weeks. This means that the Council's environmental crime officers are able to focus their efforts on the areas worst affected.

This initiative has been launched ahead of a Dogs Trust Day, which is taking place by Cassiobury's Park's paddling pools from 11am until 3pm on Saturday 18th July. Events and activities include free dog training, obedience tips and microchipping, with the aim of encouraging responsible dog ownership.

Do you know of any dog mess hotspots? Sick of walking through a particular park, street or open space and having to avoid piles of doggy doo? Simply call 01923 278503 or send an email to report any problem areas you think need monitoring.

Alternatively, you can nominate areas for enforcement and clean-up on Watford Borough Council's Love Watford Facebook page or via Twitter @WatfordCouncil.

And remember - if you are a dog owner, make sure you are responsible. You really don't want a fixed penalty £50 fine. And if you are a persistent offender, you could have to attend magistrates court and pay up to £1000 if convicted.

It doesn't take much to remember to take a bag or nappy sack with you. Simply bag it, bin it and wash your hands. It really doesn't take much but makes a massive difference to the people who want to enjoy Watford's beautiful outside spaces.

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