Watford in Colour for Older Persons Day
10th November 2016
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On September 29th Getting Together hosted an International Celebration for Older Persons Day 2016. Partnering with local organisations to put on a show of colour and activity.

130 older people from Watford & Three Rivers came to celebrate, with performances from local groups, Getting Together members performing themselves, interactive activities and an International Catwalk.

The best of multicultural Watford was on display, with performances from Manos Puestas – a talented pair of South American guitarists – and Leggetts Warblers bringing traditional sounds in a king and queen singalong.

KultureAfrik brought more entertainment with an interactive story detailing traditions many of us may find unfamiliar. A Latin dance demonstration from the Slasaduende Latin Dance Group, followed by an Asian dance and colour show from our very own members, gave us something from almost every continent.

Celebrating culture in a town like Watford is important, and this is just one example of how Getting Together does that. Getting Together Service Manager Vanessa Wright said: “The Getting Together International celebration was a great opportunity to celebrate the different cultures of people who already attend out clubs as well as learning new things from multi-cultural partners in Watford. It enabled our members to get active and connect with different cultural traditions. It has had a  really positive impact on our service.”

Watford & Three Rivers Trust: Getting Together is all about that; getting over 55’s in Watford and Three Rivers Together – forming friendships, getting active, socialising, experiencing life and celebrating together. At Watford & Three Rivers Trust we fight to combat loneliness and social isolation, and reach out to those in our community not reached before.

To find out more or enquire about joining Getting Together, please visit www.gettingtogether.org or call 01923 216967. 

About the Author


Member since: 6th July 2016

Information & Publicity Impact Co-ordinator at W3RT. W3RT is the local voluntary sector membership body, champions of volunteering and deliver a range of services for the residents of Watford & Three Rivers.

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