More Work Experience Placements for Children in Care
10th August 2010
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According to a report published last week it has been recommended that Westminster Council should offer more work experience placements to children in care. These placements are designed to boost confidence and increase the chances of employment.

Gaining a level of practical experience is key to improving career prospects and  it was suggested that Westminster Council implement a more comprehensive work placement system across the area.

The report and it's recommendations formed part of a larger review by the council's childrens policy and scrutiny committee. The committee listened to children's services experts as they suggested how to improve service for children in care, professionals and foster carers.

The report said: "For them [looked after children] gaining practical experience was vital in improving their employability and importantly giving them the confidence to succeed in life.

"Work placements [are] more than just gaining experience – when tailored correctly they had the potential to motivate, increase independence and provide a daily structure for looked after children."

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