Farm Shop in Weston super Mare

Find the best Farm Shop in Weston super Mare as recommended by local Weston super Mare people in thebestof Weston super Mare's Farm Shop directory.
Spotlight Businesses in Weston Super Mare
Puxton Park
The Farm Shop at Puxton Park is one of the best farm shops in the Weston-super-Mare area and offers a huge choice of local vegetables, fruit, meats, cheeses, and speciality foods. Come and see for yourself!
susannah r said
we went to puxton park on the weekend for the first and my boy's loved it, there is so much to do and we are going to take out membership.
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we went to puxton park on the weekend for the first and my boy's loved it, there is so much to do and we are going to take out membership.
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Brooking Ruse & Co - Weston-super-Mare
Premier Drivers & Recruitment Agency Ltd - Weston
Sousta Greek Taverna
Puxton Park
Bell & Stenton
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