Ruby May Beauty Salon grand re-opening tonight
24th September 2010
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Grand re-opening of Ruby May beauty salon tonight!!

Not only did they come Highly Commended and Commended in two awards at The Merton Business Awards this week, but Ruby May are also unveiling their new look salon tonight between 5.00pm and 9pm.

The salon has had a complete make-over and visitors will be able to sample a few treatment testers and meet owner Lisa Gordon and her fantastic team. There's also great offers on treatments booked tonight as well as money off their new range of beauty products.

So get yourself along to Ruby May this evening for a glass of bubbly and a few nibbles as well as the chance to meet the people behind one of Merton's officially highly commended businesses!

Ruby May Beauty Salon
16 Ridgway, Wimbledon Village SW19 4QN

020 8914 8208

About the Author

Andrew M

Member since: 10th July 2012

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