Volunteering now easier than ever!
13th January 2016
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Community First helps other organisations find, recruit and support volunteers, but they also offer the same support and guidance to the potential volunteer.

The website has a really local feel, giving local organisations and volunteers across Winchester, Havant and East Hampshire the chance to advertise for help and find opportunities where they live.

Tom Belshaw, Development Manager for Community First said: "We’re really proud to launch this new site which is the result of lots of work behind the scenes with volunteers and local community groups. We know that there are lots of people who want to volunteer and plenty of willing helpers, but it’s getting the information in one easy to access place, the new site Volunteer Wessex helps groups to promote their activities and services locally and it gives volunteers more control of the information they want to share by creating a sort of online volunteering CV. We will grow the site over the next few months, making it the local one stop shop for volunteering.”

Tim Houghton, Chief Executive of Community First said,volunteering is at the heart of a vibrant and successful community...We’re really keen to attract younger volunteers as well as those who might volunteer their time and expertise relevant to their work. There are some fantastic  opportunities to help people and organisations right on your doorstep and we hope to see a big upsurge in numbers of volunteers coming forward.”

To see the website go to www.volunteerwessex.org.

If anyone wants to speak to a member of the Volunteer Service team about volunteering or volunteer recruitment they can contact the team on 0300 500 8085 or email volunteer@cfirst.org.uk

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