Complementary Therapy in Woking

Find the best Complementary Therapy in Woking as recommended by local Woking people in thebestof Woking's Complementary Therapy directory.
Complementary Therapy in Woking
Ralls Rhythmic Movement
Rhythmic Movement Training is a natural, complementary therapy that is believed to help children and adults deal with a variety health issues including learning difficulties, coordination or confidence issues and anxiety related disorders. If you have concerns regarding any of these issues, in a child or adult, give Ralls Rhythmic Movement’s therapist, Gaynor, a call today.
Amanda K said
My son is now nine. He is a very sensitive child and not a child that fits into "That Box". Although, we have now found a great school for him, it has been a rocky ride to get there with shattered confidence and self esteem not helped by a previous school who wanted to "label him"! We met Gaynor in October 2015. Henry was having serious focus, frustration and concentration issues at school due to massive low self esteem and confidence. This low self esteem was also causing him problems with his peer group at school. Henry had put a firmly closed steel shutter in place, and had informed me that he would rather not try at all than try and risk failure. Heartbreaking and worrying from your child. He would walk into school and literally "shrink" . Gaynor has worked absolute marvels on him. Having only had two sessions with Gaynor, two teachers at his school asked me independently of one another what we were doing with Henry, and to keep it up as the improvement in his work was almost overnight and startling - they were completely astounded. Henry has now had seven sessions with Gaynor. He improves on an almost daily basis. He is now a very popular boy in his school with no peer problems, he recently ran for his school in the ISA cross country competition, and is showing massive confidence in his school stage productions. The steel shutter has disappeared, his self esteem and confidence have risen and are still rising. Almost every week, he gets all his spellings correct, and he is starting to realise if he doesn't panic he can even do maths!! All this has taken is a monthly session with Gaynor and for me to carry out for five minutes each day some very simply, but clearly, very effective exercises, and thats it! I can not recommend this therapy highly enough. It has been an absolute godsend for us.
Rafal Wisniewski Complementary Therapy
With over 15 years of professional experience Rafal Wisniewski offers probably the widest range of complementary therapy treatments in the Woking area, and can help you with conditions from stress and headaches to chronic pain and sports injuries. He offers a convenient mobile service across the Woking area.
Jo'ell S said
A heart of gold with hands to match! Rafal has the competency, broadness of mind, spirit and therapies to treat, alleviate and heal injuries new and old. Lucky to have been followed off and on for the past two years by him for sports/work related incidents, both chronic and in urgency. His reliability and speed in need is extremely precious. A very talented and gifted man whose presence brings a smile to your face and body! Jo'ell S.
Sattvic Bliss
Sattvic Bliss’s business owner Jo Scrimshaw is a highly-experienced complementary therapist, qualified and insured to use Massage, Polarity, Reflexology, Ayurveda and Yoga to provide relief from a whole range of ailments, treating both the body and the mind.
Rafal Wisniewski Shockwave Therapy
Shockwave Therapy is a remarkable non-surgical treatment with proven results, effective on chronic joint and muscle conditions as well as on cellulite and scar tissue. Experienced therapist Rafal Wisniewski offers Shockwave Therapy as a mobile service for people in Woking and surrounding areas.
Jo'ell S said
A heart of gold with hands to match! Rafal has the competency, broadness of mind, spirit and therapies to treat, alleviate and heal injuries new and old. Lucky to have been followed off and on for the past two years by him for sports/work related incidents, both chronic and in urgency. His reliability and speed in need is extremely precious. A very talented and gifted man whose presence brings a smile to your face and body! Jo'ell S.
Renewing Harmony
Run by Dawn Fairburn, a fully qualified therapist, Renewing Harmony based in Woking offers to help rid you of the stresses and strains that life can bring, using the healing natural power of Reflexology and Indian Head Massage. In the comfort and privacy of your own home, you can let these complementary therapies restore your natural balance and well being, with your calm state uninterrupted by the journey home.
Sue W said
If you need time out, to relax, or you have a neck problem like mine you need to go to see Dawn at Reaming Harmony. She will help you to relax, she listens and sorts your tired tense body out for you.
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