Hairdressers in Woking

Find the best Hairdressers in Woking as recommended by local Woking people in thebestof Woking's Hairdressers directory.
Hairdressers in Woking
Suzanne’s Hair Salon
Are you looking for the best hairdressers in Woking? Do you want a well-established hairdressing salon that caters for everyone, whether male or female, 8 or 80? If so, why not try Suzanne’s Hair Salon in Pyrford. Her friendly and family orientated team offer a superb, family friendly, service and offer everything from a simple haircut to highlights, up-dos and straightening processes.
Dawn F said
Thank you so much for returning my hair to it's natural colour, had sooooo many compliments. Don't know how you could see, as even I had forgotten!!

Thank You!
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