Reflexology in Woking

Find the best Reflexology in Woking as recommended by local Woking people in thebestof Woking's Reflexology directory.
Reflexology in Woking
Sattvic Bliss
Experienced Woking-based therapist Jo Scrimshaw specialises in Reflexology, a complementary therapy which uses manipulation of the feet and ankles to effectively treat a range of acute and chronic conditions, stress-related issues, sleep disorders, and even sports injuries.
Renewing Harmony
Renewing Harmony based in Woking provide Reflexology and other complementary therapies in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
Sue W said
If you need time out, to relax, or you have a neck problem like mine you need to go to see Dawn at Reaming Harmony. She will help you to relax, she listens and sorts your tired tense body out for you.
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