Shooting and Fishing in Woking

Find the best Shooting and Fishing in Woking as recommended by local Woking people in thebestof Woking's Shooting and Fishing directory.
Shooting and Fishing in Woking
OSM Shooting Club
The Old Sergeants' Mess (OSM) Shooting Club is a friendly and welcoming shooting club near Woking, open to members of all backgrounds, ages and abilities. Learn to shoot from scratch, or make use of the club’s excellent facilities to improve your skills.
Jane W said
We had a great evening at the OSM shooting club last Thursday with the Best Of Woking, all the staff at OSM were very welcoming & helpful. I have never shot before and they went out of their way to make sure I was comfortable & their instructions were clear and everyone was very helpful. It was a well organised & a good time was had all round. I would definitely go to one of their shoots again!
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