Wolverhampton residents are being urged to remain vigilant and follow some important guidance when considering aesthetic procedures available on the High Street.
If you’re looking for some free support and guidance on money, health and safety matters, please pop along to an open day in Lanesfield this month, organised by City of Wolverhampton Council.
Lives are being put at risk and vehicles are facing serious damage as a result of people incorrectly disposing of their batteries, warns City of Wolverhampton Council.
A supported housing company which illegally evicted a vulnerable tenant after claiming it would help them has been prosecuted by City of Wolverhampton Council.
The keys to a Wolverhampton Homes flat occupied by a tenant who turned ‘sham landlord’ and sub-let the property have been returned to the City of Wolverhampton Council – and will now be re-let to someone on the waiting list.
The City of Wolverhampton Council is contacting nearly 1000 households in the city with renewed advice for pension-aged carers about applying for pension credit without delay.
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