Luxury car manufacturer Bentley Motors is preparing its staff for the journey towards producing electric vehicles by enrolling 18 of its manufacturing technicians on electrical apprenticeships at City of Wolverhampton College.
Phase Two of the council’s transformational City Learning Quarter masterplan has hit new heights with the roof now complete on the showpiece city centre college campus.
The West Midlands is supporting the UK’s digital and STEM skills drive through the creation of over 100 specialist roles from two innovation-led companies, School of Coding & AI and SI Group.
Full works are underway to deliver major improvements to the city centre’s Central Library and Adult Education Wolverhampton facilities as part of the £61 million-Phase Two City Learning Quarter development.
The City of Wolverhampton Council will be celebrating the achievements of young care leavers as it marks national Care Leavers Week which starts next Monday (28 October, 2024).
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