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The first new council homes are springing out of the ground at two small derelict brownfield sites in Wolverhampton.
Plans have been approved for the construction of 99 new energy-efficient council bungalows to replace 93 post-war prefabs on the Lincoln Green Estate in Bushbury.
Plans have been approved for the construction of 99 new energy-efficient council bungalows to replace 93 post-war prefabs on the Lincoln Green Estate in Bushbury.
Wavensmere Homes has received planning approval from City of Wolverhampton Council for its £150m residential-led Canalside South development.
The first bricks have been laid for 19 new affordable homes on the site of a former eyesore Bilston pub and neighbouring derelict garages.
A planning application to build new homes on the site of a former eyesore Bilston pub and neighbouring derelict garages has been approved.
City of Wolverhampton Council has secured £5.1million of government funding to boost its retrofit housing programme.
City of Wolverhampton Council is working with Supported Housing Providers to drive up standards in the sector for vulnerable residents through a new multi-disciplinary team.
The West Midlands remains on track to achieve its ambitious target of building 215,000 new homes by 2031 to help meet future housing and economic needs and provide local people with good quality but affordable housing.
City of Wolverhampton Council has set up a new City Housing Oversight Panel to empower council tenants and leaseholders.
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