About SUIT - Improving the Experience of Recovering From Substance Misuse
17th April 2019
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The project is a charity based organisation that is run and host by the Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council (WVSC). This puts us in a position whereby we can be completely independent to drug and alcohol treatment providers, but close enough to be able to influence and impact on the way that treatment is delivered in our city.

SUIT have been running now for over ten years, and since our humble beginnings in a corner of the WVSC building with only 2 staff members one volunteer, to 4 staff and 12 volunteers with a vast array of work that not only shows off recovering individuals talents, but also helps to educate many people and organisations about some of the dangers of substance misuse and the difficulties that people face in overcoming them.

We are commissioned to take on volunteers who are currently receiving drug/alcohol treatment, who have received treatment in the last 6 months, or those who are looking to access treatment – all this within the realms of Wolverhampton.

We primarily work with those individuals who use/d illicit substances and/or alcohol , however due the ever changing face of addiction we do have some flexibility with this, and we never refuse to offer help and advice to anyone who need help.

The team consists of a full time service user involvement officer, a full time development worker, a part time administrator, a part time project worker and 12 volunteers. All of whom bar one, have suffered from addiction.

The team work on a number of tasks and activities at any given time. The types of work (of which many can be found on this site), shows the dynamic approach our unique organisation has towards substance misuse and recovery, which has bought national and international recognition.

Website: http://www.suiteam.com/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SUITmbe 

Twiiter: http://www.twitter.com/SUITeam 

Telephone :+44 (0)1902 328983

Chris Cole SUIT Project Co-Ordinator  
+44 (0)1902 328983 

To end this article with a Poem by Natalie: 


Itdoesn’t have a name..........


"It starts off so small that you barely even notice,

You do it one day
               Then another,
                           Then another,
You can’t see the problem, you’re just having fun
The highs, the ups, the laughs
Plus you’re not hurting anyone.
Then people start to talk,
Say ‘they think you have an issue’

But how could this be possible, how could this be true?
As a matter of fact, what is it to you.
It slowly takes its hold, so subtle
Day by day – then
The highs, the ups, the laughs
They slowly degrade away.

It seems to have your life, it seems you’ve lost control,
It seems to be your only friend, it seems you can’t go on.

But look deep into the darkness,
Hold your beautiful head up high,
Find inner strength and ask for help
Because this isn’t how you’re meant to die." 

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