The group was on hand to celebrate Drayton Manor’s big anniversary, which sees the park celebrate 75 years of epic family fun this year.
Barry Moore, aged 75, commented: “I first came to Drayton Manor as a schoolboy in the 1950's. I've always loved going on the rides there and am pleased to say that I still do. As a family, we brought our kids here as they grew up and now we’re thrilled to share the experience with our grandkids. It’s the perfect place for creating lasting memories and enjoying a fantastic day of fun together across generations.”
Victoria Lynn, managing director at Drayton Manor Resort, said: “When we asked if there were any over 70s who wanted to join in our celebrations, we couldn’t believe the number of people who wanted to be involved! It really does prove that age is just a number.
“As we celebrate our 75th anniversary this year, Drayton Manor continues to deliver epic family fun for all our guests. We have an incredible array of events and activities planned for this year, and we hope that everyone comes to be part of the fun and help make this the biggest year in the park’s history!”
With a packed events schedule throughout the year, Drayton Manor offers 50 exhilarating rides and attractions, plus Europe’s only Thomas Land, and a zoo that is home to over 500 animals from all over the world.
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