All at NAC are delighted at Christine MacGowan’s recognition in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List
13th June 2019
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Christine McGowan, who lives in Whitmore Reans, received an MBE for services to the developing of the arts in Wolverhampton.

The 66-year-old is the retired chief executive of the Newhampton Arts Centre and said she was ‘very surprised’ when she heard the news.

“I had to read the letter a few times,” she admitted. “I was excited though, and very honoured. I’m so pleased the the role of the arts is being recognised in Wolverhampton. I think it’s a big part of the city.

“I worked with a very good, small team who were really committed to making things happen.”

Ms McGowan worked at the arts centre since 2001 – one year after it was set up. She retired in June last year but still visits regularly.

She was honoured for establishing the NAC as a ‘jewel in the heart of the community’.

She also managed to secure a substantial annual grant of £280,000 from the Art Council fund – which lasts for four years.


The mother-of-three added: “I managed to secure that just before I retired, so it was really nice to leave that legacy behind. It was something I was really proud of.”

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