Alz Cafe in Wolverhampton
19th July 2019
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It was another lovely evening with 85 people in attendance and as usual starting at 7pm and ending at 9. We were entertained by the lovely Miss Fortunes  who sang a selection of mainly 40s music and many people were up dancing and singing along. It was a BBQ theme of burgers and hot dogs, not matched by the weather but that didn't dampen our spirits. Once again it seemed that the evening was enjoyed by all. 


The latest Alz Café on the 9th July was another success with wonderful entertainment from the wonderful Maggie O'Hara, as normal many folks were up dancing and singing. The evening started at the usual time of 7pm and people left at 9pm - still being serenaded by Maggie. 82 people attended, all enjoying a fish and chip supper. A lovely evening had by all!! 


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