An Easter Treat for Meals on Wheels Customers
1st May 2020
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City of Wolverhampton Council's Meals on Wheels service will be serving up an Easter treat to its customers this weekend to help keep people smiling in these difficult days.   Meals on Wheels drivers will be dropping off a hot cross bun on Good Friday and an Easter egg on Easter Sunday to nearly 300 of the city's most vulnerable residents. The treats will be in addition to their normal hot meal and dessert.   The number of Meals on Wheels customers has increased during the coronavirus emergency and the service is now regularly delivering a nutritious hot meal to around 270 people seven days a week.   The council is able to deliver the Easter eggs on Sunday thanks to a donation from Wednesbury-based firm Lonestar.   Councillor Jacqueline Sweetman, City of Wolverhampton Council’s cabinet member for city assets and housing, said: “Our Meals on Wheels team are used to dealing with isolated people, but of course during this emergency people are more isolated than ever and our drivers really are a lifeline to them.   “Our Meals on Wheels drivers provide a real social service – they are a friendly face each day, checking in to see how people are and they are able to alert relatives or health services if someone seems unwell or not themselves.   “We heard a touching story the other day where one elderly gentleman, a Royal Navy veteran, told one of our drivers that he would have wanted her by his side if he’d gone to war.     “We are really pleased to be able to give our customers a hot cross bun on Good Friday and an Easter egg on Sunday just to show them we are thinking of them in what will be a very strange Easter for everyone.”   Wolverhampton's Meals on Wheels service is open to everyone without the need for any sort of assessment.   Meals are delivered every day of the year and arrive hot and ready to eat. There is a varied menu including classics like roast dinners, fish and chips, sausage and mash as well as vegetarian and Asian and African-Caribbean specialities. All meals are accompanied with a dessert.  

For more information visit or call 01902 556677.

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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