Business Week sessions to help local businesses benefit from the Wolverhampton Pound
22nd September 2022
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Businesses can speak directly to procurement professionals from a range of sectors by attending one of City of Wolverhampton’s Meet the Supplier sessions on Tuesday, September 27.

It offers the opportunity to meet procurement teams from City of Wolverhampton Council, University of Wolverhampton and other public bodies and commercial partners like Wates, Rubix and Lovells, who are leading key regeneration projects in our city.


The first session will take place between 8.30am and 10.30am, with an alternative session running from 11am to 1pm, both in the WV1 Bar, at Molineux Stadium’s Stan Cullis Stand, Waterloo Road, Wolverhampton, WV1 4QR. Car parking is available.


It builds on the Council’s and city partner’s commitment to the Wolverhampton Pound - an initiative to drive local spend and benefits to the city’s businesses.


Business will have the opportunity to present their business, find out about tender processes and ask questions.


The Federation of Small Businesses and Wolverhampton Black Business Network will also be in attendance offering advice and guidance about submitting tenders and contract management, and businesses will be able to register their business details in the new Wolverhampton Business Directory.


Meet the Supplier is just one of a number of free events for businesses taking place in Wolverhampton’s annual business programme, which runs from Monday, September 26 to Friday, September 30.


Businesses can register to attend and view more events at


Council Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for City Economy, Councillor Stephen Simkins, said: “The Wolverhampton Pound is about keeping more of our city’s money right here so that it benefits local people. The city’s public sector has massive spending power and we need to prioritise local firms and organisations when it comes to decisions over where to spend it.


“Together, with city partners, we can really benefit our local economy and our communities by harnessing the power of the Wolverhampton Pound to deliver projects which benefit our people.


“The Meet the Supplier sessions support that aim by making it easier for local businesses to bid for contracts, set up local firms to provide local services, and create jobs.”


Chair of Wolverhampton Economic Growth Board and Managing Director of Thompson AVC, Scott Thompson, added: “Local businesses are keen to understand how they can be part of the supply chains across the city and these sessions provide an opportunity for local businesses of all sizes to engage with a wide range of institutions and businesses across the city.


“The sessions will be an opportunity for them to meet with the Council, University, commercial partners and strategic businesses to share what their businesses can offer and find out how to win work.


“Being able to supply local means that we keep the money circulating in our city’s economy - it’s good for people and our city and enhances the value of the Wolverhampton Pound.


“There will also be support to help prepare for and bid for work, as well as how to manage the contract once they have won it.”


About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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