City residents urged to check their recycling under new campaign
15th December 2023
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City of Wolverhampton Council has seen a significant increase in the number
of wrong items being placed in recycling bins and this is costing taxpayers
more than £185,000 a year to deal with.
When incorrect items are put in recycling bins, the resulting contamination
means waste can’t be recycled and has to be disposed of separately, costing
money and losing environmental benefits.
To help residents understand what can and can’t go in their recycling, the
council’s waste crews are attaching information stickers to every household
recycling bin. These are being placed on bins during regular collections to
give people a simple picture guide.
Members of the waste services team will be attending community events to
help answer questions about recycling and information posts will also be
shared on the council’s social media channels.
Councillor Craig Collingswood, cabinet member for city environment and
climate change at City of Wolverhampton Council, said: “We are very clear
that we have a commitment to climate action and recycling in Wolverhampton
and we’re urging our residents to join us on this important issue.
“Bins which contain contaminated items are costing the council taxpayer
money to dispose of and we can’t keep collecting them as it is a significant
amount. This means, from mid-January, we will have to stop collecting
contaminated bins to reduce the costs associated with additional disposal. We
would urge our residents to support us by checking their recycling and
ensuring that only the items displayed on the bin sticker and the website are
placed in the bin for recycling.
“Making sure people put the right items into their recycling bin is a simple
thing to do but it can have a huge impact, which is why we’re embarking on
this campaign.
“We hope residents will follow the picture guide being put on their bins and get
into the recycling habit, particularly over the Christmas period when we are
likely to see more waste being produced as families enjoy festive food and
sharing presents.

“I would like to thank everyone who puts the right items in their recycling
bin and would encourage all our residents to get on board and help us
increase our recycling to save money, reduce carbon emission and create a
greener city.”
Items for recycling should not be bagged, but make sure they are clean and
dry and put in your black bin.
Items that can go into black recycling bins are: aerosols, cardboard, drink
cans, foil packaging, food tins (empty and rinse out), glass bottles and jars
(empty and rinse out), household plastic bottles, newspapers and
magazines, paper, plastic drinks bottles, empty plastic packaging
(margarine tubs, yoghurt pots, food trays) and empty food and drink
containers (soup, milk, etc.)
Please place items for recycling loose in your black bin, do not use bags.
Do NOT put any of the following in your recycle bin: plastic bags, cling film,
polystyrene, nappies, garden waste, textiles, clothing, bedding, electrical
items, glittery cards, wrapping paper, laminated paper, shiny metallic
paper, ribbon and bow decorations, shredded paper or any other general
If you’re in any doubt about whether an item can be recycled, please DO
NOT place it in your black bin.
Residents can also find a simple guide to what can and can’t be recycled by

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