City’s new five-year Housing Strategy approved
18th October 2019
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City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet last night (Wednesday) approved a new five-year Housing Strategy for the city.


Residents and stakeholders were consulted on the new strategy ‘Better Homes for All’, which sets out the council’s ambitions from 2019 to 2024.


It outlines the three key priorities as more and better homes, safer and healthier homes, and access to a secure home.


The focus is on increasing the pace and number of new homes in the city to meet growing demand, improving standards for those renting in the city through private landlords or council housing, and delivering additional support for residents who need help accessing and sustaining secure accommodation.


Since the last housing strategy was put in place, the council has built the first new council homes in over 30 years in the city; established the council’s own housing company, WV Living; started delivering the Heath Town regeneration programme, and secured support from residents for further estate redevelopment at New Park Village.


It is also delivering a range of specialist/supported accommodation; has rolled out the Housing First pilot to provide entrenched rough sleepers with a route off the streets to housing and support; and has established, with support from Public Health, the Rent with Confidence scheme to drive up standards within the private rented sector and improve health outcomes for vulnerable residents.


The revision of the housing strategy will ensure there continues to be a supply of housing and housing services to meet the needs and aspirations of the city’s current and future residents and will support the city in meeting its vision for 2030.


Councillor Peter Bilson, City of Wolverhampton Council Cabinet Member for City Assets and Housing, said: “Better homes for all is at the core of our new Council Plan.


“We are proud of what we have achieved to create a better housing offer and service for people living in our city since our last strategy was put in place.


“This new strategy takes into account people’s views from the consultation and addresses the challenges being experienced by residents and stakeholders.


“This strategy confirms the importance of, and delivery plans to, accelerate housing development that will support inclusive economic growth, but it also focuses on people and our plans to support our residents and create better homes and communities.


“We are committed to enhancing the health and wellbeing of the people who live and work in the City of Wolverhampton.”


To view the full ‘Better Homes for All’ strategy, please visit

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