Cocktails by Laura Liptrot
19th January 2023
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Cocktails: A collection of colourful poetry is an explosion of poetry inspired by my journey through the minefield an acting career; nature; human magic; mental health; wellbeing; affection and the arts. Open up this book and step into the busy attic of my chaotic life and mind, where some days are full of sunshine, others full and grey clouds, and most are lit by a silvery, tarot card moon. Explore through the boxes full of tangle ribbons of writing; bangles and baubles; trinkets and treasures. This is me: a woman about to turn 30 presenting to you my opinions, my emotions and basically just: myself.’


A snapshot of a life from the point of view of a 29-year-old would-be actor from Stourbridge, West Midlands, this collection chronical her journey through the minefield of self-doubt, grief, loneliness, and joblessness and offers the inspiration to climb mountains and see beautiful new worlds. Each vibrant poem captures the essence of what it is to be human today and offers wisdom on how to both celebrate and transcend that state. Every story is unique.


Laura was born in Wordsley Hospital in the West Midlands in August 1993. She attended Gig Mill and Redhill schools; Stourbridge and Kidderminster colleges and graduated from Worcester University in 2016 with a 2:1 in drama. Besides poetry, her main passion is theatre and she currently works as a fulltime actor in a variety of genres. Her hobbies include slow walks in the country, in order to appreciate nature, and experimental spirituality and tarot reading, all of which have greatly inspired her work.


Cocktails: A collection of colourful poetry is currently available to download on Amazon Kindle and will be released in paperback form in January 2023.

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