Commonwealth Games jobs event in Wolverhampton
29th April 2022
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A host of Commonwealth Games 2022 employment and training opportunities will be on offer at the Wolverhampton Youth Employment Hub on Wednesday, May 11.


If you are aged 18 to 30 and unemployed get along to the event at The Way Youth Zone, School Street, WV3 0NR, between 11am and 3pm.


Employers, Commonwealth Games partners and training providers will be on hand to offer advice on jobs and sector-specific training.


Attendees will also be able to have a go at some of the sporting activities while finding out about the jobs on offer in stewarding, hospitality, cleaning, security and catering.


The event is being run in partnership with City of Wolverhampton Council, Wolves At Work 18-24, Department for Work & Pensions, Black Country Impact, Talent Match Black Country and Jobcentre Plus.


City of Wolverhampton Council Director of Regeneration, Richard Lawrence, said: “This summer is an exciting time for the region with the arrival of the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham and events taking place across the West Midlands.


“In Wolverhampton, we are relishing the opportunity to stage the cycling time trials, starting at West Park.


“It is a fantastic global event to be part of and will also provide thousands of opportunities for our unemployed residents to get jobs and training that could lead to long-term employment.


“I would urge anyone aged between 18 and 30 to get to The Way Youth Hub on May 11 and find out exactly what’s on offer.”


Richard Smith, DWP Group Partnership Manager in the West Midlands, added: “This is a great opportunity to not only be part of something huge in the West Midlands but sectors in which jobs are currently available for the games are also priority sectors where we have 100s of jobs available ongoing. All the more reason to get involved.”


Anyone interested in Commonwealth Games 2022 jobs and training opportunities can also register their interest at

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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