Council’s major step towards climate emergency target
15th October 2019
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City of Wolverhampton Council has taken its first major step towards becoming net carbon zero by changing the way it sources electricity.


It comes after the council declared a Climate Emergency.


At the core of this is a pledge to make the council net carbon zero by 2028. 


It will reduce carbon emissions significantly and remove any remaining carbon by off-setting - leading to net zero emissions.


The council has begun purchasing power solely from renewable sources - using Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin. This certifies that the electricity used for street lighting and public buildings is carbon neutral.


This will reduce the council’s carbon footprint by 8,816 tonnes of CO2 per year. The equivalent of taking over 1,800 cars off the road every year. 


Not enough fossil fuels are produced in the UK to match demand, making the UK a net importer. Electricity generated from fossil fuels emits lots of CO2, but renewable electricity created in the UK does not. Often it is produced locally - primarily generated by wind, solar and hydropower. 


By ensuring the council's electricity is from these sources, it encourages the industry to increase its supply of renewable energy as well as reduce the council’s own carbon footprint.  This, combined with the council's own solar panels on 14 buildings, helps the environment.


Councillor Barbara McGarrity, City of Wolverhampton Council’s Member Champion for Climate Change, said: “I am thrilled that the council has quickly achieved this important first step towards meeting our 2028 target. It is vital that the council continues to work hard at tackling Climate Change to create a world fit for future generations.”


The council is currently drafting a climate emergency strategy to help inform its next actions.


To find out more about the council’s commitment to becoming net carbon zero, you can contact

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