Cultural Night at Wolverhampton Heritage Centre
9th March 2020
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Fantastic SUtR event at Wolverhampton's Heritage Centre last night organised via the excellent Black Country Poet "Bones". The event was of high quality with a range of Poets and Musicians - a terrific version of Marley's ,"Redemption Song" thrown in for good measure!

The location for the Event was especially sweet - it was once Enoch Powell's Constituency Offices!!

The event reflected both past and contemporary Black History, Refugees, Universal Credit, notions of " I am England", our relationship with the "Internet", The Dirty Girls of Lesbos and anti-Chinese racism via the Caronavirus scare and much more!

All in preparation for the Global Anti-Racism day of action on 21st March in London.

Our Signs of Revolt engender a rejection of racism, System Change not Climate Change - via unity and the application of "Revolutionary Minds " by all means necessary and creative resistance!

Hit the streets Against Racism, for Refugees Welcome Here - and Climate Justice on M21!!!

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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