Electric minibus helps city drive towards its climate target
22nd November 2023
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The new fully electric 14-seat minibus replaces an older diesel vehicle and is
part of the council’s fleet electrification programme and commitment to a
greener city. The electric minibus will take children and young adults to a
variety of schools and colleges both in and out of the city. It adds to a diverse
range of electric vehicles and machines that the authority now operates.
The council has made a pledge to become carbon net zero by the end of
2028 and is currently undergoing fleet electrification to help meet this target.
Under the programme, the council has replaced a wide range of its old
diesel vehicles with electric ones.
These include vehicles in our Meals on Wheels service, environmental and
waste services, bereavement services, mayoral, parking services and
Wolverhampton Homes.
Others support children’s services, our travel unit, parks team,
arboricultural and countryside services. In total, the council has introduced
34 zero emission vehicles and has installed 31 chargers in its depots.
Fleet Services are continuing to electrify the fleet with further electric vehicles
expected to be delivered over the next few months. This includes a range of
small, medium and large vans, another minibus, road sweeper and small cars.
These new zero emission vehicles will be supported by our existing network
of EV chargers at Council sites and new chargers being installed to support
our growing green fleet.
Councillor Craig Collingswood, cabinet member for environment and climate
change, said: “Our new electric minibus has a longer lifespan compared to the
diesel alternative and provides both maintenance and fuel cost savings.
“But most importantly, it’s had the thumbs-up from the children and young
people who travel on it. Our SEND pupils and parents love the quieter
environment during transport. And our drivers have also commented on how
much they enjoy the smoothness of the drive.
“Our fleet electrification programme is a key part of our work to becoming net
zero by the end of 2028 and I am pleased to see that this electric minibus has
been welcomed by both young people and drivers.”


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