Electric waste collection vehicles help city become cleaner – and greener
17th November 2023
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The electric caged tippers have replaced old diesel-powered versions as part
of the council’s fleet electrification programme and commitment to a greener
The new vehicles will be used by the council’s environmental services team to
clear waste from the city’s pedestrian areas and parks. Used throughout the
year, the vehicles will provide quiet, efficient and emission free cleaning.
The caged tippers add to a diverse range of electric vehicles and machines
that the authority now operates.
The council has made a pledge to become carbon net zero by the end of
2028 and is currently undergoing fleet electrification to help meet this target.
Under the programme, the council has replaced a wide range of its old
diesel vehicles with electric ones.
These include vehicles in our Meals on Wheels service, environmental and
waste services, bereavement services, mayoral, parking services and
Wolverhampton Homes. Others support children’s services, our travel unit,
parks team, arboricultural and countryside services. In total, the council
has introduced 34 zero emission vehicles and has installed 31 chargers in its
Councillor Craig Collingswood, cabinet member for environment and climate
change, said: “Our ongoing fleet electrification programme is progressing well
and I am happy to see these new electric tippers replacing old diesel vehicles
that had come to the end of their lives.
“The new vehicles are quieter, resulting in less disturbance to the public, and
drivers tell us that the ability to charge the vehicles overnight is more efficient
than taking time to refuel with diesel.
“Our fleet electrification programme is a key part of our work to becoming net
zero by the end of 2028 and I am pleased to see that these electric caged
tippers have benefits for staff and residents alike.”

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