Former Walsall Poet Laurate To Appear At Wolverhampton Literature Festival
15th January 2020
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Arts Council England have agreed to fund the Overhear Project in partnership with Wolverhampton Literature  Festival.  Newly commissioned poems will be written about ten well-loved venues by ten local writers and one of them is solicitor and former Walsall Poet Laureate Ian Henery.  

  Ian (photographed riding a pink moped) has been tasked with writing a piece for The Arena Theatre during the Festival that runs from 31st January to 2nd February.  Ian`s writing will be recorded and virtually "pinned" to this site for people to discover, download and collect on an app.  

  "I am excited to be involved with this project" said Ian Henery "which centres around creativity, community and celebration which has only been made possible through a Arts Council England grant.  It unites writing and technology through an app-based literature map linking to the Festival to support unique local talent and venues".

  Ian Henery is a performance poet and playwright of over 30 years standing.  He is a published author and former Walsall Poet Laureate.  He heads up Poets Against Racism in the West Midlands  and runs poetry workshops.  Ian has performed at numerous festivals during 2019 and was commissioned to write a trilogy of plays for China West Midlands 2020.  

"Overhear is about location and creative contgent" explained Overhear founder Tom Peel.  "It uses mobile technology to link the 2 and we hope that it has potential to generate great value for independent venues and artists in the city".



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