The City of Wolverhampton is committed to ensuring all residents have access to the devices, connectivity and support to get online.
Most council sites are now linked up to the full fibre network and anyone can connect to super-fast Wi-Fi when using facilities.
It is simple to sign in by searching WCC-WiFi through your device’s Wi-Fi settings and agreeing to the terms and conditions.
A map of council sites in Wolverhampton where you can access free Wi-Fi can be found here Get Online | Digital Wolves
Councillor Obaida Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Digital and Community at City of Wolverhampton Council, said: “We are committed to supporting all residents to get online leaving no one behind in our efforts to close the digital divide.
“As part of this we feel it is important to ensure free Wi-Fi is at people’s fingertips at council sites to help meet the growing demand for digital services in public buildings.
“The tools to get online and learn digital skills provide a crucial gateway to jobs, career progression and even finding information for day-to-day living.
“Improved digital infrastructure helps to upgrade the delivery of frontline public sector services, lowering operational costs and boosting productivity.
“It supports growth of the local economy as more businesses and entrepreneurs will also be able to use free Wi-Fi to work, network and innovate.”
The Queen’s Building, in Victoria Square, is among the many council sites benefitting from being connected to the full fibre network.
It houses both the Central Community Shop and Pomegranate social enterprise café, which is run by the Good Shepherd charity.
Lucie Tait-Harris, project manager for the café and community shop, said: “To have access to free Wi-fi both in the Pomegranate Cafe and at the Central Community Shop is a considerable benefit for our customers to enjoy.
“Within the cafe we welcome a very diverse range of customers, from those in the business community who might be enjoying a coffee or lunch whilst browsing their emails, to people needing to use data to search important information, having that digital access makes a really positive difference."
To find out more and to get support to get online contact our network of trusted partners or visit one of the Digital Skills Centres near you.
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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