Give Bus a Go: passengers have their say on West Midlands buses
13th November 2019
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“More enjoyable than I remember from 10 years ago.”


People across the West Midlands were challenged to Give Bus a Go and find out if buses are an option to help them get around.


The experiences they shared with the independent watchdog Transport Focus include:


“Pleasant experience as the buses and planning apps have been greatly modernised making the experience of using the buses more enjoyable than I remember from 10 years ago.”


“Generally, there is an issue if you’ve gotta get off one bus onto another bus, understanding that connection and the advertising of that connection is sometimes not clear and a barrier to actually using the bus.”


“It’s actually stretched my imagination for things I would use the bus for.”


“The experience on the bus was very positive. There was free Wi-Fi which allowed me to respond to a few emails and get stuff done!”


The ‘Busketeers’, a group of people who live and work in the West Midlands but rarely or never use buses, took on the challenge as part of a campaign to help get more people on the bus by breaking down barriers to its use.


Linda McCord of watchdog Transport Focus, and West Midlands Bus Alliance Chair, said:


“We knew that those who used the bus, liked the bus. Our Busketeers told us that offering a good network of routes served by consistently punctual and reliable bus services that offer good value for money is critical to both keep people using buses and to persuade other people to Give Bus a Go.


“Bus operators and local authorities must seize the opportunity to cater for their customers of the future and allow passengers to share their experiences. Breaking down the barriers to bus use and understanding the perceptions of non-users is vital in building a successful bus network.


“The Busketeers’ experiences highlight that buses can be a useful option for getting around sometimes, so why not Give Bus a Go?”


Key findings:


  • three quarters of the busketeers’ experiences of travelling by bus were positive
  • most indicated that they would continue using bus sometimes and would recommend travelling by bus to family and friends
  • the key barriers to use were infrequency, journey length and lack of buses going direct to destination.
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