Healthwatch celebrates contribution of volunteers and raises money for Samaritans
30th December 2019
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Healthwatch Wolverhampton, the independent champion for health and social care has celebrated the contributions of its volunteers this month.

At a special event held for our volunteers at the Mayors Parlour on Tuesday 10 December over 40 volunteers and their friends and family came together to celebrate their dedication and hard work in supporting the team and ensuring that the views of the public are heard by health and social care providers.


The volunteers were joined by their friends and family, Healthwatch staff, former student placements and special guests including the Mayor and consort with entertainment from singer and performer Zoe Cresswell, laughing yoga by Amanda Grimshaw-Kenny and special health-based poems by Emma Purshouse poet Loiret. 


The volunteers also heard from Julie Flavell from City of Wolverhampton College and Eleanor Morris from Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust who talked about their experience of working with Healthwatch volunteers and how they have influenced services. 


As well as the celebration of volunteers, the event was also raising money for Samaritans Wolverhampton, an organisation that is a member of the Suicide Awareness Stakeholders Forum, one of the Mayors chosen Charities for the year.


A raffle was held during the event raised £185 for the charity. This was combined with money raised at a cake sale held the week prior which also raised £112 with the help of students from City of Wolverhampton College Students Union, and £85 raised by Cameo Ladies Group bingo night. A cheque for £382 was presented to the mayor at the end of the celebrations.  We would like to thank all the individuals and organisations that supported all the fund-raising activities, all details can found be found on our website

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