Healthwatch Wolverhampton launches a new Trip Advisor style platform for Health and Social care services in the city
30th December 2019
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Healthwatch Wolverhampton, the Independent Champion for those who use health and care services, has launched a powerful new system to help people share their experiences of local services.

The Trip Advisor style service will enable people to leave reviews of their Hospital, GP, Dentist or Social Care Service and receive direct feedback from Health and Care providers.

Healthwatch Wolverhampton is part of the national network supported by Healthwatch England established by the Government in the Health and Social Care Act 2012. The role of Healthwatch is to act as the independent champion for patients and customers who use Health and Care Services; to gather the views and experiences of local people and to share these with decision makers to influence service change, improvement and design.

The new online Feedback Centre will be available on the Healthwatch Wolverhampton website and accessible via a variety of devices including mobile phones, desktop PCs and tablets.


Recent research has shown that half of the public who considered complaining about NHS services did not. Many people were put off because they expected the process to be too bureaucratic and others believed it would make no difference.

Feedback can be shared with staff and teams to help them to understand what is working well and how further improvements can be made. This can complement existing patient feedback methods.

Healthwatch Wolverhampton believes that by assisting service users to express their views with ease we can help to instigate change and improvements within the health and social care arena.

Tracy Cresswell, Healthwatch Wolverhampton Manager, said: “We have much to be proud of in Wolverhampton, our health and social care services are improving all the time. Our local services have dedicated staff that are passionate about delivering care to every service user. However, sometimes things go wrong and need improving, and the voice of our community must be heard to help get things right.

Healthwatch Wolverhampton’s aim is to make sure that the patient voice is heard and is at the forefront of any decision-making processes made by healthcare professionals.

That is why we have developed a simple yet powerful system that is accessible to the widest possible group of people from wherever they are.

Millions of people every day use online review systems to give their opinion about other services or products they have bought or used. We want to harness this behaviour to empower patients, users and their families to give us vital information about the NHS and social care.

As an independent organisation, Healthwatch Wolverhampton hopes that the public will tell us their full experiences of local services; where things have gone well, as well as where things need to improve. We hope that by creating a familiar tool, we will be able to engage many more people in celebrating and improving health and social care here in Wolverhampton.”

All of the feedback received will be part of a much larger dataset being collected by Healthwatch Wolverhampton which it will use to analyse the public’s views of health and social care. More traditional methods of patient experiences will also be collected, such as the telephone, social media, paper-based feedback, and public engagement events.

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