Hundreds benefit from Wolverhampton Business Week
29th September 2023
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Yesterday’s (Thursday) flagship Business Breakfast event, sponsored by
hosts The Halls Wolverhampton, saw an audience of 250 delegates inside the
Civic Hall hear from respected speakers about ‘Creating a Visitor City’ and
how Wolverhampton’s reputation as a visitor destination is being transformed.
The week started on Monday with young people from Wolverhampton Youth
Council gathering at the University of Wolverhampton’s Springfield Campus to
help develop a 360-degree video to be showcased to investors and
developers at the National Brownfield Institute’s (NBI) state-of-the-art Igloo
More than 100 delegates attended the Molineux Meets panel discussion on
‘helping Wolverhampton businesses to identify and unlock business
opportunities’ at Molineux Stadium on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, over 160 city residents aged 16 to 29 grabbed the chance to
find out about live vacancies, employment opportunities, training and work
experience from almost 30 employers and training providers at the Youth
Employment Hub, at The Way youth zone.
A broad range of online and in-person workshops, including sessions at
business and enterprise hub, IGNITE, covered a range of topics including
digital marketing, AI, cyber security and starting a social enterprise.
Two events wrapping up the week were yesterday’s Women Entrepreneurs
Masterclass at Wolverhampton Science Park and today’s Let’s Talk
Sustainable Business Growth, sponsored by Tilbury Douglas, which
highlighted how Wolverhampton is leading the region’s green growth agenda,
the opportunities for the construction sector and businesses in the supply
chain, and the support available for businesses through the facilities at the
NBI and university.
City of Wolverhampton Council Leader, Councillor Stephen Simkins, said:
“The tenth annual Business Week has once again highlighted the strength of
Wolverhampton’s business community with city partners coming together with
the council to highlight the opportunities and support on offer through 20 well-
attended events.
“I attended events like the youth council video showcase at the NBI and the
Business Breakfast which were truly inspirational – illustrating how our
ambitious plans are transforming Wolverhampton for all our citizens.

“It is clear, this council is committed to supporting businesses by making bold
changes that will continue to bring in investment to help them thrive and grow
in the long term - bolstering the Wolverhampton Pound and delivering more
jobs and skills opportunities for local people.”
Wolverhampton businesses seeking support and advice should visit
Wolverhampton Employer Support | City Of Wolverhampton Council

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