The group, Ramblers Wellbeing Walks Wolverhampton, currently has weekly walks taking place across 12 locations, including Bantock Park, Bilston Urban Village, Warstones, East Park, Bushbury Triangle, Northwood Park, Pendeford, Smestow Valley, Springfield Park, Ettingshall Park, Springvale Park and West Park.
The walks are especially suited for people who currently don't do much walking but who want to get healthier, fitter and make new friends. For more information, please visit Ramblers Wellbeing Walks Wolverhampton.
Nalin Patel, Volunteer Scheme Co-ordinator, said: "We are looking forward to welcoming more people to our walking group. We offer a range of walks each week, with something for everyone.
"We are also keen to accept any volunteers wishing to train as walk leaders to support our walks. Since September 2023 we have trained around 20 new walk leaders, including 4 who will shortly be working in the All Saints area, and 2 more to increase walks at East Park.”
John Denley, Wolverhampton's Director of Public Health, said: "Walking is not just an excellent social activity, but also brings with it a huge number of health benefits.
"It has a positive effect on the heart, including lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease, it strengthens bones and muscles, it improves balance and coordination, and it can help maintain a healthy weight. Evidence also suggests that just a 20 minute walk per day helps prevent and manage chronic illnesses and can also help prevent dementia.
"Ramblers Wellbeing Walks Wolverhampton offer a variety of free walks at locations across the city, so, as we enter a new season why not get out and about and enjoy some of the beautiful autumnal displays that nature is offering us at this time of year?"
For more information, email or call her on 07881 742959 or 01902 755492.
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