Joshua Griffiths - Its Christmas!
23rd November 2020
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Attached is the official single cover for the song.    1. Singing has always been one of my passions, singing brings happiness to everyone. Then you have Christmas, which is one of my favourite times of the year. I have always wanted to release my own single, to brighten peoples day. And i have always wanted to create a christmas song, to help bring the festive season in. However, with what's going on in the world i decided it was the right time. Let's make a christmas song, let's get it released and let's try and bring a bit of cheer and joy back to christmas this year.    2. The song title originally was going to be called Best time of the year, however upon recording the song and going with the flow It's Christmas became the new title. The song is all about the various traditions we all imagine at christmas, such as playing in the snow and christmas Shopping. However, it always brings it back to the point that although those are festive things to do over the holiday season, in actual fact spending time with family is the most important.    3. It has been Pre-released on Itunes and Apple music now under Joshua Griffiths - It's Christmas. You can listen to a sneak peak of the song and order your copy for just 99p. Then on the 1st of December, the song will go live on other streaming platforms. Where people will be able to listen to the full song.    4. My name is Joshua Griffiths, I am 22 years old and I am from Willenhall. It would mean the world to me to get this spread everywhere, not for the money or the fame. I want to spread christmas cheer this year, remind people that although christmas won't be the same this year it doesn't have to be ruined. 
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