Local pro-life group says NO to DIY abortion in roadside witness
28th May 2021
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Local pro-life group says NO to DIY abortion in roadside witness

On Saturday 29 May, 2021 between 12 noon and 2pm, the WALSALL/BIRMINGHAM branch of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children is holding a roadside act of witness, the Pro-life Chain, to commemorate 53 years of legalised abortion and to call for at-home DIY abortions to end immediately.

DIY abortion was introduced by the Government in March last year, supposedly as a temporary response to the pandemic. Under the DIY abortion policy abortion pills are posted to women at home after a short phone or video consultation.  The woman then performs her own abortion in her home with no medical supervision.

The chain will be taking place at the entrance of Walsall Arboretum.  Pro-lifers will form a roadside chain, holding placards with messages which draw attention to the truth and reality of abortion, which will be witnessed by thousands of passing motorists.

The placards also advertise a post-abortion counselling helpline which offers help and support to anyone suffering in the aftermath of an abortion experience.

Some of the tragic facts from the DIY abortion regime include:

  • A freedom of information report revealed that ambulance calls for abortion complications rose by 54% during 2020 following the introduction of DIY abortions.
  • The same report found that each month, 250 women using abortion pills at home will require hospital treatment to “surgically remove retained products of conception”, in other words to remove the remaining body parts of their unborn baby.
  • Abused women are particularly at risk under the DIY abortion policy. A recent opinion poll revealed that 87% of UK GPs were concerned about unwanted abortion arising from domestic abuse under the DIY abortion policy.

Branch spokesperson, Irene Yoong-Henery said, “Our pro-life chain is a witness to the tragedy of abortion. Since 1967, nearly nine and a half million babies have fallen victim to abortion. We remember those lives, and all the women who have been hurt. Women deserve better than abortion – even more so now that they are just sent pills in the post and are left to deal with this traumatic procedure and its aftermath alone.

“We stand witness to this, and to the hope of a future where every human life valued.”



You would be welcome to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the event.

The branch spokesperson, Irene Yoong-Henery can be contacted on 07789110220 or at irene@ianhenery.com.

SPUC’s national co-ordinator of this event, Antonia Tully, can be contacted on 07926 007 175.


Local pro-life group says NO to DIY abortion in roadside witness

On Saturday 29 May, 2021 between 12 noonand 2pm, the WALSALL/BIRMINGHAMbranch of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children is holding a roadside act of witness, the Pro-life Chain, to commemorate 53 years of legalised abortion and to call for at-home DIY abortions to end immediately.

DIY abortion was introduced by the Government in March last year, supposedly as a temporary response to the pandemic. Under the DIY abortion policy abortion pills are posted to women at home after a short phone or video consultation.  The woman then performs her own abortion in her home with no medical supervision.

The chain will be taking place at the entrance of Walsall Arboretum.  Pro-lifers will form a roadside chain, holding placards with messages which draw attention to the truth and reality of abortion, which will be witnessed by thousands of passing motorists.

The placards also advertise a post-abortion counselling helpline which offers help and support to anyone suffering in the aftermath of an abortion experience.

Some of the tragic facts from the DIY abortion regime include:

  • A freedom of information report revealed that ambulance calls for abortion complications rose by 54% during 2020 following the introduction of DIY abortions.
  • The same report found that each month, 250 women using abortion pills at home will require hospital treatment to “surgically remove retained products of conception”, in other words to remove the remaining body parts of their unborn baby.
  • Abused women are particularly at risk under the DIY abortion policy. A recent opinion poll revealed that 87% of UK GPs were concerned about unwanted abortion arising from domestic abuse under the DIY abortion policy.

Branch spokesperson, Irene Yoong-Henerysaid, “Our pro-life chain is a witness to the tragedy of abortion. Since 1967, nearly nine and a half million babies have fallen victim to abortion. We remember those lives, and all the women who have been hurt. Women deserve better than abortion – even more so now that they are just sent pills in the post and are left to deal with this traumatic procedure and its aftermath alone.

“We stand witness to this, and to the hope of a future where every human life valued.”



You would be welcome to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the event.

The branch spokesperson, Irene Yoong-Henerycan be contacted on 07789110220or at irene@ianhenery.com.

SPUC’s national co-ordinator of this event, Antonia Tully, can be contacted on 07926 007 175.



About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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