Oscar’s Blog – My Doggy-lympic Charity Fundraiser!
17th July 2012
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Now before I start I have been warned by Dad to mind my language whilst writing about this global spectacle. Apparently if you as much as sneeze the proposition of adopting the 5 rings in some sort of publicity stunt or charity fundraiser you run the risk of being ‘taken to cleaners!’


Taking this into account I felt it more important to not so much discard this rule but skirt around the subject in the knowledge that my upcoming fundraiser will be helping lots of my doggy friends with no homes at Sunnyside Kennels and also lots of kids with serious and terminal illnesses at Promise Dreams.

So, what am I doing? I am becoming Heston Blumenthal for the week! Not literally, that would be a piece of science that even the great man would have trouble conjuring up. No, I am becoming a cake baker for the next week!

To be precise I am baking a big doggy cake that I and Ellie will be unveiling on Friday 27th July 2012 at our studio. You will be able to buy a slice or two for your friends with all the money raised going to Sunnyside Kennels and Promise Dreams.

I’ve come up with two flavours designed the wet the appetites. Now we all know that chocolate is bad for us so I’ve had to scrap that flavour off the list. Also, flavours such as Vanilla, Mint and Carrot are all off the list. They do not have that complexity of taste that I am looking for. No, after careful thought I have opted for liver and sardine! Might not hit your sweet tooth but trust me, this stuff is like gold for us.

So, I’ve got the flavours nailed down. What is it going to look like might be your other question. Well, I can’t say too much as I want it to be a surprise but it will have a doggy-lympic theme to it. I’m still working on the icing as you’ve got to be careful what goes into it but the cake is going to be BIG BIG BIG! It should stretch to roughly half the size of a pool table if I get my calculations correct. I am also making extra in the hope that there will be lots left over for us to take back home all to ourselves for!

So, with good dew that is my master plan for the next week. Although I want to take extra bits of cake home with me, I am making so much that it is going to make me sick if I eat it all so I want to cordially invite all of you to come and buy a few slices and help two good causes in the process. Me and Ellie will be here all day on Friday 27th July but if you can’t make it that day, don’t worry, the cake keeps for a good few days so pop in on the Saturday or during the week after. I’m also taking some to Sunnyside Kennels so you can get hold of it there also!


www.birminghamdogshome.org.uk – Sunnyside will be holding their annual Fun Dog Show on Saturday 18th August – Ellie and Oscar’s will have a stall there along with a whole host of other entertainment throughout the day.

www.promisedreams.co.uk – supporting seriously or terminally ill children and their families since 2001.


With a little help from Dad, Oscar is part owner of Ellie and Oscar's Pet Grooming Studio and Boutique Pet Store. They are situated at 386 Penn Road, Wolverhampton, WV4 4DF.


Oscar is also currently helping his Dad create a new online pet store that will be found at www.ellieandoscarspetstore.com.

About the Author

Robert B

Member since: 4th July 2012

My name is Rob and I own Ellie and Oscar's Pet Grooming Studio and Pet Store in Penn. Our services include, full wash and cuts for any breed of dog, express wash service, and nail trimming. We also stock...

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