Poem for Lent by Poet in Residence
28th February 2023
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The Poet in Residence of Wolverhampton`s radio station, WCR FM which broadcasts on 101.8 FM, online, Spotify and Listen Again, has come up with a poem for the people of Wolverhampton based upon a classic in the lead up to Lent and Easter.  

    "Millions of Christians all over the world will be marking 26th February as the first Sunday in Lent" explained Poet in Residence Ian Henery.  "It`s a period of 40 days during which Christians remember the events leading up to the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross.  Christians believe that Jesus went into the desert to pray and fast before later dying on the Cross".  

  During Lent many people decide to give up something that they love such as chocolate or using social media.  Others may decide to take up something like helping out more with local charities.  It`s a time of reflection and of asking for forgiveness when Christians prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at Easter which comes at the end of Lent.  Easter is the most important day in the Christian calendar and is a celebration of his life. 

      "As a child" explained Poet in Residence Ian Henery "I would sing the 19th century English hymn "Onwards Christian Soldiers" written by Sabine Baring-Gould (pictured) with the music composed by Arthur Sullivan.  The Salvation Army adopted the hymn as its favoured processional.  I have fond memories of singing it in Sunday School, Scout Parades  in church and school assembly since I went to a Church of England school.  Our young hearts felt that we were serving a cause for which a trumpet had sounded from on high.  We were all idealistic, of the same age and wearing the same uniform.  Looking back we must have felt that we were young soldiers of Christ and the only hope of saving the world from senseless degradation."

    However, a new census in 2022  has revealed that less than half of people in England and Wales identify as Christian (only 46.25%) and the percentage of people saying they had no religion was over as third (37.2%) which is a wake up call prompting fresh reconsideration of the role of religion in society.  The UK is almost certainly one of the least religious countries on earth.  "What does that mean for us"?  asked Ian Henery.  "My vicar made it the subject of his lesson recently in church and we all sung the hymn "Onwards Christian Soldiers".

  It`s based on references in the Bible to the Christian being a soldier for Christ.  The verse goes "Onwards Christian soldiers, marching as to war with the Cross of Jesus going on before" but it seemed to me that the reverse was taking place and that they were marching from the fight.  As  it is written in the book of Timothy 2:2:3 - a Christian should endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  This is precisely what Lent is all about and the theme of the old hymn.  A new rallying call to arms was needed and I composed this in my head on the drive home from church."                

                             Backwards, Christian Soldiers!                              

(Apologies to S. Baring-Goulds)  


  Backwards, Christian Soldiers!

Marching from the fight

With the Cross of Jesus

Well-hidden from sight.

Christian pacifists are we,

Forgot the lost of the earth,

Singing our songs so regularly

Seems we have lost our worth.  


  Backwards, Christian Soldiers!

Marching from the fight

With the Cross of Jesus

Well-hidden from sight.  


  Not much fight, not much strife,

Care not for the hungry poor

Apathy is out to gain a wife,

Care not for the call to war.

Harvest is ripe, the Reaper is here,

Voices rise in shouts of praise.

Apathy is great, we have no fear,

Brothers, loud your anthems raise!


    Backwards, Christian Soldiers!

Marching from the fight

With the Cross of Jesus

Well-hidden from sight.  


  Evangelists are accused of insanity

By non soldiers in the Army of God.

Populations clamour "We need to live reality!"

Brothers, where is this loving rod?

Today starving millions still wait,

Judgement is here, death is coming;

Sinners cry outside Satan`s Gate,

Empty churches, no hymns-a-humming.


    Backwards, Christian Soldiers!

Marching from the fight

With the Cross of Jesus 

Well-hidden from sight.  


  Thrones and crowns may perish,

Governments rise and wane.

Satan rises, he will relish

A Church who will not remain.

Jesus, a name in history books,

Faith against apathy cannot prevail;

Christ in libraries dusty nooks,

How can Satan not fail?


    Backwards, Christian Soldiers!

Marching from the fight

With the Cross of Jesus

Well-hidden from sight.


    Backwards, then, happy people,

Join our beguiled throng;

See yonder crumbling steeple?

Know the words to our song?

Despair, surrender, loss of dignity,

Unto Apathy the new King:

One faith, body, all are we,

Men and angels, let us sing!  


  Backwards, Christian Soldiers!

Marching from the fight

With the Cross of Jesus

Well-hidden from sight.      

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