Poet in Residence commissioned to write poem for Coronation
2nd May 2023
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The Coronation of King Charles III is a historic moment in the life of the nation and will take place on 6th May 2023 at Westminster Abbey conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury.  

The ceremony is rooted in longstanding tradition and the service will reflect The King`s role today and look to the future.  Throughout the Coronation Weekend themes of community life, volunteering and service will be highlighted and celebrated nationally and locally across the UK.   In Wolverhampton the Poet in Residence of WCR FM - which broadcasts on 101.8 FM and online - has been commissioned to write a poem for the people of Wolverhampton.

  "Whether you are a royalist or a republican" said Ian Henery, Poet in Residence, "we all enjoy a party!  This May there`s an extra Bank Holiday to mark the Coronation of King Charles III."

  Announcing the extra holiday, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said it would allow people "to come together and celebrate".  The  Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on 2nd June 1953  was the first to be televised.  

  "People bought their first TV for the occasion" explained Ian Henery "and groups gathered round to watch together or hold street parties.  The world has changed dramatically since 1953 and millions around the world will be watching the Coronation on their digital devices instead of the TV and in any location."

  One thing that has not changed, according to Ian Henery, is people`s love of a party.  "Connecting with others and our communities is one of the key ways to improve our wellbeing.  So let`s party!"  

The UK is very different from the post-war world of 1953 and the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.  The UK is now multi-faith and a multi-cultural society.  Coronations traditionally take place in the context of Christian worship and based on that of King Edgar who was crowned in Bath in 937 AD.  Buckingham Palace has hinted at changed for King Charles saying it will "reflect the monarch`s role today and look towards the future but it will still be rooted in longstanding traditions".    

Changes to the Coronation ritual are nothing new.  Throughout the last 1,000 years Coronation ceremonies have been adapted to the times.  A slimmed-down Coronation that costs less than the 1953 one is likely for King Charles with around 2,000 guests filling Westminster Abbey rather than the 8,251 guests who attended Queen Elizabeth`s Coronation. 

    And although the event will still be held in the context of a Christian service in the Abbey, it is likely that representatives from a wider range of faiths and Christian denominations will take part as they did for the late Queen`s funeral.  

"As with any key royal event" said Ian Henery "the King`s Coronation day will offer an opportunity to gather with others and get to know your neighbours.  Cheers to another royal knees up!"


                                       For the Coronation of King Charles III  

It`s a historic time for our nation

Westminster Abbey, crowning of the King

Charles III, scenes of great celebration.  


Public service has been his vocation,

Concern for the environment he brings.

It`s a historic time for our nation.  


  The Head of the Commonwealth, his station,

Free association in everything;

Charles III, scenes of great celebration.  


  Three days of events filled with elation

With grants for people to do their own thing

It`s a historic time for our nation.


    The whole world will watch the coronation,

Regalia of crown, sceptre and ring

Charles III, scenes of great celebration.  


  The King will be crowned to jubilation

In Westminster Abbey the choir will sing.

It`s a historic time for our nation

Charles III, scenes of great celebration.  


  Ian Henery 2nd April 2023


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