Poetry for the People
12th December 2022
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Peter D Hehir is an Award Winning Published Poet and Author from Birmingham, England. His unique and eclectic style has earned him the affectionate title, among his peers, as The Brummie Bard. Now at the relatively young age of 38, Peter has Five Full Poetry Collections, and one collection of Poetic Ditty’s published to make you smile on through difficult times.

Born and raised in the heart of Birmingham, Peter is a great advocate for this City and has always cited this in a number of his poems, ‘Pigeon Park’, ‘Peaky Blinders’ and ‘Curzon Street’, to name just a few. Together with this and his deep rooted Irish Heritage, he has drawn on past influences and present day hopes and struggles to create a vast array of poems, which can now be considered work of pure literature art.  


Although Peter has been writing since the age of 13, his major breakthrough, within poetry circles, came in 2020 with his most profound and heartfelt poem – ‘The World is Closed’. This beautiful piece of Poetry quickly went viral around the world, capturing the hearts and minds of people on every continent. It is this imagination and subtle poetic tone that has helped Peter to become revered in poetry circles.


In 2021 Peter released his latest full collection of poetry – ‘Seeking Whispers’, a poignant an even more eclectic follow up to his previous release – ‘Duvet Days’. Within this collection his style resonates and his unique way with words have earned him plaudits from people far and wide, young and old, as he has the ability to speak to the soul through the power of words.


It was in 2022 that Peter’s aforementioned collection, ‘Duvet Days’, earned the auspicious accolades of ‘Author of the Year’ and ‘Book of the Year’ in the ‘Promote Your Book Awards 2022’.


It has been said by RSAB Radio, “Peter is a true wordsmith with a Poetic voice, that will resonate through this generation to the next.”


Further collections are due to be released by Peter, with an another  unique book of Poetic Ditty’s,  due out at the beginning 2023.


Poetry Collections by Peter D Hehir

Until the Rain Comes (2013)


At Rainbows End (2016)


Duvet Days (2020)


Forever Young – War Poetry (2021)


Seeking Whispers (2021)


Wit Happens – Ditty’s  (2022)

(All the above collections are available on Amazon, Waterstones and a range of other well-known retailers)

For more information, you can find Peter on social media via the following links –



Twitter - @thebrummypoet

Instagram – thebrummypoet


Or alternatively you can email him at – thebrummypoet@gmail.com



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