Psycho Syd appeared at the Wolverhampton Vegan Fayre on 8th September
20th September 2019
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Psycho Syd appeared at the Wolverhampton Vegan Fayre on 8th September to give one of his mindblowing talks and sign copies of his book; The Death and Life of Psycho Syd. The official copy of the book will be launched at the end of the month and yet this first time, unknown author has sold over 1,700 copies just by word of mouth and on social media.   

Well, what makes this book so special? Firstly, the powerful true-life story. In 2011 Syd was working as a filmmaker on a hydropower project in the People's Democratic Republic of Laos. He was married to the woman of his dreams. His two young children were studying in international schools. Syd was living the dream. He had found the perfect place and the perfect partner.   

In the blink of an eye, he was staring at an off-white hospital wall in Blackpool and silently screaming. He had just been diagnosed with inoperable terminal cancer and given a maximum of six months to live. But there's more; his mother died, then his wife abandoned him.  He was dying a double death; terminal cancer and a broken heart. He was a skeleton all alone with two young children aged just 14 and 4 and was facing certain death. Syd was living the nightmare.  

What makes the book so remarkable is not just the page-turning suspense of the gripping storyline but the unique raw style it is written in. He bares his soul as he writes straight from his torn to shreds heart. Each page trembles in fear as salty teardrops and bright red splodges of blood appear before your startled eyeballs. However, it is the gritty 'back against the wall' determination, the dark northern humour and the inspirational spiritual insights that make this once in a lifetime story a read the will capture your heart and mind. He takes you right there. You will be with him every painful step of the journey  

Just wait until this book hits the bookshops and mainstream media. A potential bestseller. You heard it here first. And Syd stole the show with his TED Talk that will soon be uploaded to YouTube. Syd is a compassionate, non-confrontational bloke so you are probably wondering why he is called Psycho. Well, that is a shortened version of his nickname Psychedelic Syd from his teenage years when he was a peace-loving hippy. In some ways he still is.

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