Psycho Syd appeared at the Wolverhampton Vegan Fayre on 8th September
26th June 2020
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Here, I sit in the last chance saloon with everything crossed that this campaign gets me and my 11-year-old son, Jo back to the tropics. Of course, we must take our rescue staffie Alfie with us too. He is family. I never thought I would launch a campaign to ask for help. I have tried so many ways including publishing a book, yet here I am with cap in hand.

I have always been an adventurous soul and spent years exploring and working in the tropics. All my free time would be spent visiting wild places, jungles, islands and mountains. As an animal lover I helped rescued animals and promoted the importance of protecting the wildlife as well as campaigning against animal exploitation.

In January 2012 I had found what I was looking for. The perfect place and the perfect partner. After working hard for over ten years I had managed to buy a house in Vientiane, the capital of Laos. I had been with my dream woman for eight years. Our son Jo was three and Eugene my son from a previous marriage was 13.This was where I was going to spend the rest of my life living in the place I loved with the people I loved. Or so I thought!

Just three months later I was in Blackpool, northern England. I had lost my job, my house, my car, my mother, my wife and my health. I had been diagnosed with inoperable stage four cancer and given a maximum life expectancy of just six months. Even worse, I was alone with my two children aged 14 and 4 who had no one in the world except their dying father. I couldn’t die because my kids needed me. They had no one else. I cut out all processed food and survived on organic fruit and veg juices. I was extremely sick and should have been in bed but that was impossible. I had to cook, clean, wash clothes, take my children to school. There was no one else.

In November 2017 much to everyone’s astonishment I was given the all clear. I was happy but homesick for my tropical lifestyle. Surviving on benefits in Blackpool was a safe but lonely existence. I needed to be living a wild and free life once more. I asked my ex if she would return some money for the house, I had bought but she refused. Therefore, I opted to write a book to get a film deal or a bestseller. The book was published late 2019 and has sold about 2000 copies with positive feedback. Alas, I have not made any dosh yet but always dream of a lucky break.


It is not so easy to estimate the amount of money required these  lockdown days as all costs are now vague. I have put a target of £25,000 to get us through the first year. This seems a lot but after flights for me and Jo, flights and agents at both ends for Alfie, mandatory medical insurance for $100,000 for me and my kid, house rental and an international school for Jo I feel we should have about £5000 remaining for food and living expenses. Once the rules, regulations, costs of flights, transportation costs and agents fees for Alfie become clear then I will have a better idea and update.

Understand that I have not started this campaign for wealth because I will be financially worse off leaving state benefits, free education for my son and the national health service in the UK. However, if this campaign is successful I will continue writing my books, write vegan  guides to places we visit to sell as e-books, open an online Thai Language course-teaching reading writing and speaking and possibly launch a Patreon account. Anything is possible. By the way, I used to teach western management teams the Thai language so I am not as daft as I look. lol

I must stress that I have no dreams of becoming a rich man with a big house and a flash motor. I will be as 'happy as Larry' living a basic safe lifestyle with my son and dog. My son will not only get his school education but will learn in the land of' look and see' with his dad. I will teach him about the rainforests, the oceans, the fabulous animals and amazing plants emphasizing that we must do everything we can to protect the planet and the animals.

Not only that but we will both spend time volunteering in the many animal sanctuaries out there. So by helping us get home you will also be helping the planet and the animals too. My elder son Eugene is now a man. He has finished university and is 23 years old. He has duel nationality so with his Thai passport he can fly out there anytime and help with us or work for a company.


Well, I am a giver not a taker and want to offer you a valuable service in return for your help.

There is a system of rewards that are offered to all who donate. So have a look. I have loads of experience, knowledge and contacts in this part of the world and can really help you with whatever you need.

Thanks, in advance and if you cannot afford to donate then please do us a favour and share.

Love Syd, Kyd and Alfie xx

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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