Relighting Our City: Share your views
22nd September 2020
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Local people, businesses and organisations are being encouraged to share their views on a new plan

aimed at helping Wolverhampton recover from the impact of coronavirus (Covid-19).


Feedback on the council’s Relighting Our City: City of Wolverhampton Council Recovery Commitment is also being welcomed to capture people’s

thoughts on how they would like to see the city look in the future.


Relighting Our City has been developed in partnership with more than 2,500 local people,

including residents, young people, the voluntary and community sector, council partners, employees, councillors and businesses.


It identifies the key priority areas of: supporting people who need us most, creating more opportunities for young people, supporting

our vital local businesses, generating more jobs and learning opportunities and stimulating vibrant high streets and communities.


The framework was approved at Full Council last night (Wednesday), but it is intended to be regularly updated to respond to a changing

situation. The council is therefore encouraging everyone who lives, works or provides services in the city to share their thoughts on the plan.


People can find out more about Relighting Our City at

and give their views on the five key priority areas, as well as identifying and

commenting on the areas of Wolverhampton which are important to them.


All responses will be regularly reviewed by the council and used

to help further develop plans for recovery in the city as well as shaping Wolverhampton for the future.


City of Wolverhampton Council Leader,

Councillor Ian Brookfield,


“As a city we have, like many others, been deeply affected by Covid-19. While we

are still dealing with the spread of the virus in Wolverhampton, we also want to look forward to our recovery and to our future.


“Relighting Our City is a strong and focussed framework which has been created with the help of many people who live and work here, people who truly

know the city.


“But we know that this is a changing situation and we would now like to give as many people as possible the opportunity to share their thoughts on our

proposals for the five priority areas as well as identifying those parts of the city that are important to them.


“I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone who has already taken the time to share their thoughts and suggestions to help us draw up the

new Relighting Our City plan.


“I am absolutely determined that we should continue to have conversations with our partners, residents, businesses and the voluntary sector to develop

solutions to the challenges we are facing and show that together we can reset, recover and relight.”


Relighting Our City: City of Wolverhampton Council Recovery Commitment was developed

following three months of engagement with local people to make sure the council’s plan accurately reflects the city’s needs.


Areas of focus included understanding the impact of coronavirus (Covid-19), priorities for recovery, strengths of the city and what people wanted Wolverhampton to look like in the future.


The council used a variety of methods to gather views from across the city’s diverse communities, including online surveys with businesses, residents and employees and focus groups with representatives

from the voluntary community sector and equality groups.


During August a citizen panel was held, and over four sessions local people fed back their views on the Relighting Our City priorities and actions. The two plan priorities which most stood out for

participants were supporting those who need us most and generating jobs and learning opportunities.


People are welcome to visit

and share their views until mid-December 2020.


About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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