Residents have say on safety plans for accident blackspot
19th January 2024
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The Rock in Tettenhall is Wolverhampton’s second most dangerous junction,
with 12 personal injuries sustained in accidents there in recent years.
City of Wolverhampton Council responded to calls to introduce measures that
would increase safety and reduce traffic queues at the busy junction.
After considering traffic data and exploring a range of options, the council
proposed to stop righthand turns – the cause of the majority of accidents –
from Henwood Road and Lower Street.
A consultation on the proposal was launched in early December to get the
views of residents and motorists. It closed on Friday January 12, receiving a
total of 291 responses reflecting a wide range of opinions from across the
The council will now take its time to carefully consider all representations
made, which is expected to take approximately 6 weeks.
Councillor Craig Collingswood, Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate
Change, said: “This is one of the most dangerous traffic junctions in all of
Wolverhampton and is also one of the busiest, with long queues a common
experience for motorists.
“We are grateful for the almost 300 responses from local residents and
motorists as part of what has clearly been a far-reaching consultation.
“We will now take time to give full and proper consideration to all of the issues
raised and to analyse and understand the feedback before feeding back to
“We will also be seeking the opinion of independent traffic management
experts on the options available for this junction.”
Now the council will analyse the feedback as well as involving partners,
including West Midlands Police.
Residents will have the opportunity to attend drop-in sessions once the
analysis has been undertaken and independent advice gained.

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