Help at the Hub will see a wide variety of city organisations offer advice and information. The event will take place on Thursday, April 10 between 11am and 2pm at The Bob Jones Community Hub, Bromley Street, Blakenhall, WV2 3AS.
The event has been organised by officers at the council’s Public Protection Scams Team who will be handing out free scams awareness and prevention packs.
Residents with concerns can speak with advisors from Admiral Nurses, Alzheimer’s Society, Aquarius, Camp Hill Village Trust, Carers Support, Cost of Living, Customer Services, Healthwatch, NHS Talking Therapies, Public Protection, Revenue & Benefits, Sanctuary, SEND Local Offer, Severn Trent, SUIT, The Haven, Wolverhampton Credit Union, Wolverhampton Homes and Wolves Foundation.
People are welcome to drop in and speak to any number of the organisations for free help and assistance.
Councillor Bhupinder Gakhal, City of Wolverhampton Council’s cabinet member for resident services, said: “We know that our Help at the Hub events are popular with residents and we have helped many local people with a wide range of queries.
“Local venues mean we can reach out into our communities and on this occasion, the event will take place in the same venue as our Customer Services Access Point which offers face-to-face help with Council Services such as Digital Support, Council Tax and Blue Badges.
“We know that things have not been easy for residents over recent years and people may have a lot on their minds. Please come along on April 10 and speak to people who can help.”
Residents do not have to book an appointment but are asked to please be prepared to wait if the event is busy.
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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