Scouts make Crowdfund Wolves plea for new hut
29th January 2020
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The 1st Finchfield Scout Group are calling on people to help them reach their Crowdfund Wolves target to fund the building of a new scout hut.


Their current Merryhill base is 43 years old and the wooden building erected in 1976 needs replacing.


The hut has supported thousands of children and young people in Wolverhampton, between the ages of six and 18, to attend beavers, cubs, scouts and learn to become young leaders.


The Merryhill Scouting DIY SOS project reached 50 per cent of its £11,692 funding target last week, which released £2,336 from the City of Wolverhampton Council Fund through Crowdfund Wolves – pushing it up to 70 per cent.


The project must reach its target by Wednesday, February 5 to secure the funding from all its backers. Donations can be made from as little as £2 at


Assistant Beaver Leader, Sam McBride, said: “I was a scout here in 1990 and it really helped me work with others in a team and develop my leadership skills, so much so, fast forward to the new millennium and now I'm the Assistant Beaver Leader with my two boys in beavers and cubs.


“While the scout hut holds treasured memories for many, young and old, it is time to look forward to making new memories in a building fit for purpose for the generations to come.


“We want more children to benefit from scouting and the experiences it can offer, including those with special needs and disabilities.


“Our dream is for a new two storey brick-built scout hut to provide a safe, secure space as a hub for the community - but we need your help!”


The scouting team have been working their socks off getting funding for the initial phase which covered planning and architect’s fees. Since then they have been raising funding for the second phase through Crowdfund Wolves.


Karen Whale, Group Scout Leader, said: “We have been so busy doing lots of fundraising activities such as a Christmas party and carol service, breakfast with Santa, a popcorn night and clothes weigh-in, we’ve been collecting in local businesses and have had some fantastic support from parents and local businesses who have also pledged.”

Karen added: “We need your help to get us over the line. With only a few days to go every pound really does help! If you can spare a couple of pounds please pledge online.”


City of Wolverhampton Council Cabinet Member for City Economy, Councillor Harman Banger, said: “Through Crowdfund Wolves we are helping connect people, ideas and support to enable city residents to turn ideas into reality and shape City of Wolverhampton’s future.


“We want to tap into the passion and unearth more of the local talent, innovation and creativity we know exists in the city. Anyone can create a project idea, and anyone can apply for the next round of council funding towards Crowdfund Wolves.”


The deadline to apply for the next round of council funding is Monday, March 30, 2020. Anyone with a project idea can fill in a simple online form at


The latest Crowdfund Wolves projects can be viewed at

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